Climate Change.
W hen the average temperature of earth surface as well as the sea rise or fall called climate change. Now a days, there is a tendency of rising up the overall temperature causing lots of synchronous changes on human as well as environment life some lot this rising up the temperature shows somewhere good effect in most of the cases it human the environment in large extent. Some therms related to the climate change. To know about climate change some subject is necessary to be explain in very 1st. They are firstly the Green house effect. It is a well known effect using in agriculture purpose in winter prone states. In a glass house, the crop are harvested, where the sun light come in a short form and return back in a longer form of wave. On the other hand the CO2, i.e. produced by the crops, have a specific property to gather together a make a bulky layer of CO2. That restore the heat & keep the green glass house hotter. Such that the gasses CO2, CH4(Methane), CFC,...