Climate Change.
When the average temperature of earth surface as well as the sea rise or fall called climate change.
Now a days, there is a tendency of rising up the overall temperature causing lots of synchronous changes on human as well as environment life some lot this rising up the temperature shows somewhere good effect in most of the cases it human the environment in large extent.
Some therms related to the climate change. To know about climate change some subject is necessary to be explain in very 1st. They are firstly the Green house effect. It is a well known effect using in agriculture purpose in winter prone states. In a glass house, the crop are harvested, where the sun light come in a short form and return back in a longer form of wave. On the other hand the CO2,
i.e. produced by the crops, have a specific property to gather together a make a bulky layer of CO2. That restore the heat & keep the green glass house hotter. Such that the gasses CO2, CH4(Methane), CFC, CO. etc are called green house gasses. When it come to environment, the same property shown , the gasses makes a layer to convey but in the environment. which make the environment hotter. The excessive use of fossil fuel in domestic automobile & industrial use the excessive amount of this green house gasses ha emitted.
Secondly the O3 layer & it's depletion. Ozone layer is a gift from the almighty is shows in the atmosphere in 30 k upward from earth surface. The surface has a very magical quality of defend the upcoming uv rays of sun light in the large extent, which cause skin cancer to us. There is 3 types of uv rays (uv A, uv B, uv C), Among which the most harmful ray uv-c get fully absorbs in O3 layer.
Though it sounds good but the excessive amount of green house gasses mainly the industrial NO2, SO2 etc. react with this layer & some of the places the O3 converted in O2 & some other gasses, that never change it's format again, converted to O3 such as CFCl2, CF4 etc
In the Antarctica the O3 layer get thinner, called as Ozone hole by the O3 layer get thinner, called as Ozone hole by the scientist. Thus the sunlight along with the uv rays comes through this hole in a large amount.As a result the ice glacier and natural habitat of there become disturbed and ice starts to melt. Resulting the increase of sea water level directly has an adverse effect of those states which are place down to sea. There has a huge chance of the down island to flooded under the sea.
Now some of us is thinking that why we are getting to tensed, as we would not free much adverse effect on it, as the increment of temperature we will be blessed to increase our millet production in large extent. As the 2019 year is also declared as the international millet year. But a survey says, the food value of millet will reduce it's property.
But there is also lots of cons in this propose. The atmosphere pollution is starting to shows breathing diseases and also skin cancer, a water deficiency in all over the world and some adverse effect on El-nino, resulting such devastating natural disaster like storm, earthquake, heavy rainfall etc.
Measures that are already taken by various countries to protect our world since a very early age of 1972 , 5 sept. to conserve and maintain the balance of ecosystem in Stockholm, saying that ' only the earth for entire humanity '.
Then after 10 year of Stockholm conference, the Nairobi Conference occurred, followed by the Vienna Convention. The Rio Summit (1992) [which is based on the discussing of our 6 common failure that is green house gas emission, forest, population, technology transfer, finance shearing for environmental protection called agenda 21 ], Montreal Protocol (1982), Kyoto (1997), Johannesburg Earth summit (2002), Nagoya Protocol (2010), The Paris agreement (2015) etc.
All of this is asked to protect & conserve the environment and it's creature.
Now the point B-
Who can do it, where we all know that we are the only responsible for this. Now it is our duty to join with our govt. programmer and as well as to upgrade ourselves for our own save.
Some idea what we should take-
- We have to replace our fossil fuel to some another (as hydraulic power, now-conversational energy sources -solar energy, air wind, etc).
- Starts now, to stop burning plastics and domestic waste in open air.
- We must have some advance technology in our solid waste management.
- Habituate with bycycle in the replace of polluting car.
- Stop using old cars and engines.
- Use air filter in industries chimney etc.
We need to grow up now. Rather like the civilization Harappe or Egyption we also get extinct very soon with no rest placed.
If there is any query in any topic mention above comment down bellow for more explanation. If we missed of any points you are requested to know us.
Thank you.
Woow nice