Malnutrition free India
Dream India,A Malnutrition-free India
Childrens are the ultimate investment of future.If we want to develop India, want some progress in near and far future,we must need to secure the health condition of newborns as well as their moms too. Even with a large development in education, mass production, media development, and in many more basic needs, we can't uplift a society without deleting the malnutrition stigma from our society.
Government have 1st time though about that in 1975 by introducing a plan called mid day meal scheme. But that was not enough. Even now India is witnessing a large extent of under nutrition babies.
The main cause of this phenomena with not getting required nutrition in pregnancy to the mother. During pregnancy there are lots of family who can't effort or not willing to provide a proper diet to the pregnant one as well as the new born. As a result malnutrition and some vitamin deficiency occur. Vit A deficiency can increase measles, diarrhoea etc.The children becomes very thin & builds up with a very weak immune system leading to some fetal disease like Ricket, Bow legs, Leprosy etc.
A Stunting (a man with lesser height with respect to their age) consequences on capital, poverty, equity & self confidence that effects their educational and also in personal life.
The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 4 , shows India is very high level of stunting. In 2015-16 stunting rate was 38.4% below the age of 5 yes and 35.8% babies were underweight. India ranks 158 out of 195 countries on the Human Capital Index.As a result stunting is now become a character that moves to future generations directly.In a report of 2015-16 says 53.1% of women i.e one among every 2 women are anaemic . Which effects on their pregnancy and children too. There is also lack of investment in health and education sector in India in side of shown. Secondly the World Bank says-'A 1% lost in adult height due to childhood stunning is associated with a loss of 1.4% in economic productivity.
Already govt. have tried to start many programmes in almost every stage of course, among which the most important agenda is to fixed a aim in 2017 by National Nutrition Strategy of 2017 is to achieve a malnutrition free India within 2022.
By the NFHS 4 programme achieves one third reduction of anaemic women to 48%(2006) to 38.4%(2016). But it needs to reduce upto 0% as no mother and newborn baby will die by malnutrition in very future.
To have this achievement we should give attention in some aspects that tends to increase with age and peak at 18-23 months. To give timely nutrition with breastfeeding, complementary feeding according to its age,full immunity and vitamin supplement time to time in association with nearest healthcare center where the govt. is trying to give such facilities in free of cost. About 40% of children don't get full immunity boost and bit suppliment, where as they must be given with such vaccination and nutrition to no to malnutrition.
According to NFHS 4 data there are more case of malnutrition occur in rural area with compare to urban. & City.In the case of geographical region Bihar(48%),UP(46%) & Jharkhand (45%) have very high rate of stunting & lower the states Kerala & Goa with 20% of that.
The study of International Food Policy Research Institute shows that stunning privilence various across 12.4-65.1% while UP tops the list with 6 out of 10 districts having highest rate of stunting.
Now the prevention method will be very necessary to as to arrange various altering programme in rural villages all over the India to know people about the importance to prevent malnutrition & lots more about that. Only the govt. or hands of that can't make a big change in society like that when upto we people are not wakes and keep our own sake for own better future.
Thank you.
Good one