Know how fluid mosaic model work

Plasma membrane

Fluid mosaic model

Synder and Nicolson, two scientist of California university propose the model of plasma membrane in 1972.

According to this theory cell membrane is a two layered semi liquid structure why the protein present mosaic.
As glacier floats in the ocean,

Lipid layer made up of cholesterol,glycolipid, ganglioside.

Cell membrane is a jelly like semi liquid structure that made up of phospholipids and there proteins are placed like a mosaic.
As a glacier float on ocean cell membrane also float inside the body.

This lipid layer has 2 part,
*Globular part(hydrophilic in nature)
*Longtail part (hydrophobic in nature)
*Both the path form a Micelles like structure.

As a form of lipid, in the membrane cholesterol, glycolipid, ganglioside present.

Protein are of 5 types
1) structural protein
2) channel protein
3) carrier protein
4) receptor protein

5) enzymatic protein

Capping of protein
The protein of cell membrane often shown a tendency two place together at a place somewhere in the cell membrane call protein capping.

Some protein form microtubule which spread inside the cell membrane as a net like structure. Which is is the cytoskeleton of the cell. The cytoskeleton gives the the cell mechanical support


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