Know what is special in plasma membrane structure

Specialised structure of plasma membrane

*The cells of epithelium tissue of small intestine, fold Tu forma finger like structure call microvilli
*It cell contain 3000 of of that.
*Help the small intestine in absorption by increasing its absorption surface area.

*This type of invegination all fold found in nephron of kidney
*Which type of fold help in absorption of solutes.

*Some cell membrane spread into the cytoplasm and former tube like structure called tubule.

*Some part of endoplasmic reticulum store between the intercellular space to form a a tube like structure called desmosome.
*Diameter 200m strome
*The material which store is called desmosome on macula adherens.
*Link between two adjacent cell
*Made up of  mucopolysaccharide and protein

*Find fibre that is tenofilament or tenofabril came out from desmosome.
*Desmosome can find the epidermis layer of skin
*when the pressure comes from the outside desmosome helps to bound together the cell.

*Form inside the epithelial tissue of cell membrane
*Made up of collagen
*Help the sale to attached with the basal membrane

*Between two two adjacent cell membrane finger like projection shown.

[Tight junction]
*Two cell membrane part is join together in some place storing some material informer junction call tight junction or zonula occludens.
*Blocks intercellular space.

[Gap junction]
*Between two Tu sale echannel form where ions and hormones transfer one cell to another called gap junction.
*Open form food also transfer from one to another sleep.

[Terminal bar]
*Indus mausam region structure that is not attached with any filament call terminal bar.
*Also called zonular adherens

[Intercellular bridge]
*Two part of different addison cell form a bridge like structure cal intercellular bridge.
*Message transfer from one cell to another very easily,

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