Black Tea (This type of Darjeeling tea makes more than 90 percent of the tea utilization in almost all parts of the western countries. During the manufacturing process of this type of tea, its leaves are changed largely in order to provide the final product with the distinctive tastes. The flavors may range from florid to nutty, fruity, and peppery.)
Green Tea (The Green tea has been considered the healthiest tea in the world. This is for the reason that the tea assists people greatly in attaining their weight health goals. The tea is cultivated in most parts of the Asian countries and it has been the most sought after many because the natural aroma, as well as the healthy features, makes this type of tea more attractive amid tea drinkers and the enthusiasts alike.)
Oolong Tea (this type of tea is popularly known as semi-fermented or partly fermented tea. This variety of tea will usually have some of the attributes of both the green tea, as well as those of the black tea. The Oolong tea is celebrated as a gorgeous, flavorful tea for its aromatic taste and fruity, sugary smell.)
White Tea(This category of tea is considered more delicate when compared to that of other types of tea. This is because tea connoisseurs appreciate its finest variety due to its matchless delicacy, complexity as well as because of its innate sweetness. The manufacturing process of the white tea is more delicate and it undergoes two manufacturing processes known as steaming as well as drying.)


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