Women empowerment
The status of women in early vedic era, according to our scriptures,was higher than that of men.She was regarded as the symbol of 'SAKTI', goddess of fertility,even we referred our India as 'BHARATMATA'.At the same time a very contrasting phenomena can find when it comes to have a baby girl. Often the girl child is killed in the womb. We have to accept women on the earth inspite of creating cruel discrimination.We need to know that a girl is not a burden, she is not the property for someone else.
Yet today statistic says among each 10 million boys goes to school compare to 15 million girls who have not set their foot on the classroom in primary class only.
While we have lots of example in India, that women achieve top most places,they act on welfare,they claim various mountain, active on sports,burocracy, become ministers, in Indian Army,nevy etc and they are able to achieve respect, power and position by having proper guidance. The empowerment of these women open people eyes that when women are healthy, educated,and able to work in the society freely without facing any gender discrimination they also can win. They can also do what a boy can uplift Indian economically.
The hand that rock the cradle,the procreater mother of tomorrow.A woman shape the destiny of civilization,such is the tragic irony of fate that beautiful creation,a girl child is one of the greatest concern facing humanity.
It is the apt time to be the sound of whom, don't have sound for herself.As we know empowering women can remove social stigma in large scale.
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Good article